A gummy smile is an excessive gum show on smiling. More than two millimetres of gum showing above the teeth is generally regarded as a high smile line, or gummy smile. A gummy smile can be a result of a genetically short upper lip or overactive lip elevator muscles when smiling. A Gummy smile can also develop from breathing issues during childhood resulting in a lengthening of the upper jaw.

Generally, if the cause of your gummy smile is related to your teeth, gum health or jaw bone, a dentist would be the best health practitioner to help you. For those looking for a non-surgical cosmetic option, a combination of botulinum toxin injections and dermal fillers can be used to improve the appearance of a gummy smile.


Botulinum toxin treatment

If your gummy smile is caused by overactive muscles around the upper lip, treatment with botulinum toxin can work well.

To treat an overactive upper lip, the correct muscle is identified and anti-wrinkle injections are used to relax that muscle and reduce its ability to pull up your lip excessively. The treatment is usually injections into the muscle that lifts the upper lip. A small amount is injected to reduce the activity of this muscle and slightly drop down the upper lip. The muscle that inverts the upper lip can also be injected with muscle relaxing injections. This allows more eversion of the lip, especially when smiling.

One side effect of this treatment is the loss of some function of the upper lip such as mild difficulty using a straw or kissing. This usually resolves in a few days and is well tolerated by most who have the treatment. For this type of treatment, there is usually no recovery time. Most people go back to their work or normal activities straight after.

Dermal filler treatment

Gummy smiles can also be improved by using dermal fillers to augment the lip. By injecting your lips with a dermal filler, the upper lip is thickened and reduces the amount of gum shown. The filler also prevents the lip from rolling inward on smiling, so the gum is covered by the lip. Any asymmetry of the lip can also be addressed with lip augmentation.

Most injectors will advise patients to start with half to one syringe (1mL) of filler during their first appointment for a gummy smile treatment. However, this can vary based on desired lip size, age, and natural lip plumpness.

To reduce bruising and bleeding from lip injections, it's best to avoid blood thinners leading up to your appointment. This means to stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oils etc. at least ten days before your appointment, and avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours pre-lip injections. For best results on the day of your appointment, make sure to drink plenty of water and eat before your appointment to reduce the risk of fainting or dizziness during the procedure.

After Care

After the treatment, you will need to avoid alcohol and exercise to minimise bruising and swelling. If you have discomfort, you can use paracetamol but need to avoid aspirin and ibuprofen as they are blood thinners. A cool pack can also help reduce swelling and discomfort. You should avoid putting firm pressure on your lips, steer clear of lipsticks. Most patients find the procedure tolerable and the most common side effects are usually mild and resolve in a few days after the procedure.



Gummy Smile Before Treatment

Duration of treatment can vary based on your age, filler choice and amount of filler used, but generally, lip fillers last from six months to 1 year before needing a retreatment.

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